Thursday, June 08, 2006

New Campaigns 8 June06

We have 2 new campaigns for you to promote.

Express Business Funding pays $9.90 on an extremely short form (name, address, email, phone) for a free CD & kit to receive government funding. NO PAYMENT, NO SENSITIVE INFO necessary. Awesome offer. Not incentivizable.

Save up to 60% on Health Insurance. . .with just a ZIP. Health Insurance ZIP - EXCLUSIVE pays $0.68 on EVERY Submission. Forget the other health insurance offers, this one is the best, literally. Very clean offer, no reg path; the zip is simply an easier way to convert. Not incentivizable, US traffic only.

Both these campaigns can be marketed via email and contextual marketing and their are no PPC restrictions.

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Coffee getting COLD yet?

ASK!!! ASK!!! ASK!!!

...and if you don't have anything to ASK, then tell us! tell us what you think about everything and anything which has got to do with internet marketing and making cash on the net...

When is 4.0 going to get the first mention? We haven't even got onto 2.0 yet, and already the futurists are talking about 3.0, semantic indexing, and letting the search engines tell us what we should be asking.

and yet we can't even find the number of the new restaurant that opened down the road!!!

lets go back to 1.0 and GET IT RIGHT!!!