The number of Daily Campaigns reach a record HIGH
Today has been hectic. We have brought you 7 new campaigns. If we are speaking to you, you will most probably see atleast one of the seven was of the type you requested. If we are not speaking to you. Why NOT???? Drop us an email with your instant messenger name or drop us an email and tell us what you are looking for, and we will hunt it down. Speak to us.... we are here to help you make your business more successful.
The new campaigns are as follows:
Mortgage loan site, US leads only, no incentivization
Email Submit: $1000 Petco Giftcard
Dogs, Cats – Petco's back. $1,000 Giftcard on EVERY email submit. Not incentivizable, US Only.
Private Net Detective
Find out the Truth about Anyone, pays on FIRST PAGE. INCENTIVIZABLE
Hoodia Free Trial CPC
Pays PER CLICK on well-known, namebrand weight loss product.
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Free Tickets
We are giving Tickets away at no cost. Pays for EVERY SUBMISSION.
Free Customized NIKE Shoes (Email Submit)
80's Gold
138 Best Songs of the 80's on CD
Log into your TrafficSynergy, choose your campaigns, and you are set to go.... well nearly, one thing you have already forgotten. "To drop us an email and tell us what you are looking for!"