Saturday, July 08, 2006

Feel like a new house?

Well it is Saturday... probably not the best day of the week to be thinking of work. We have the perfect campaign. Work or hobby, we like rewards. And rewards mean achievement. Achievements can be as simple as a meal out at your favourite restaurant, or it could mean buying yourself a new car or new house. It is all relative to how much you earn and how much you want to spend.

It is a known fact that there are some guys in affiliate marketing who have made millions and there are also those who count the cents they earn from google adsense, in the hope they will reach their goal of $1 per day. But this is actually very positive, as it allows those at the top to live the life everyone dreams about and it lets those who are struggling look towards those at the top and have a realistic goal. A realistic goal, as they can see real people who have done what they do and made it. So whether you are one of the guru's who have more money than you know how to use, or you are at the bottom striving and knowing you can get to the top, this campaign is for you.

Our latest campaign is
Easy Home Valuation
. Users enter their Zip Code, one pull-down and their contact info to receive the value of the home they are selling or the home they want to buy. Note: No PPC Search Traffic.

What does that have to do with the guru verses the novice affiliate marketers? The gurus can use this campaign to value their next home they intend to buy. The novices can use this campaign to make the money they need to become a guru. It's that simple, and it illustrates the success of affiliate marketing.

Have a great Saturday

Inactive campaigns

The following campaigns have ended:
Child Safe Networks

Please log into your trafficsynergy account and replace these campaigns.

Coffee getting COLD yet?

ASK!!! ASK!!! ASK!!!

...and if you don't have anything to ASK, then tell us! tell us what you think about everything and anything which has got to do with internet marketing and making cash on the net...

When is 4.0 going to get the first mention? We haven't even got onto 2.0 yet, and already the futurists are talking about 3.0, semantic indexing, and letting the search engines tell us what we should be asking.

and yet we can't even find the number of the new restaurant that opened down the road!!!

lets go back to 1.0 and GET IT RIGHT!!!