This campaign is flying.....
For those of you who have been promoting the TravelStart campaign, I am sure you are all very excited about how well it has been going. But wait.... there's more. The TrafficSynergy team has been very busy implementing interactive TravelStart banners into our network. Now your visitors can select their departure & destination cities as well as dates of travel right there in the banner on your site. This is hot!!! (even hotter than Paris Hilton's motorbike which says "This is hot!" every time she turns the handle bars to the right).
Since most of you are proud internet enthusiasts, the TrafficSynergy team has added a twist to this awsome TravelStart campaign. By going into the html of the creative, you can preset the cities you want your banners to display. Thus, if your traffic is young, ambitious and wanting to travel the world, appeal to their global desire to travel. Set London and Germany in the destinations. If your traffic is striving to follow the trends locally on a tight budget, appeal to the low cost airline seekers by setting Durban and Cape Town as the prepopulated destinations. If the theory sounds fantastic, but technically speaking you have no idea what I am talking abount, drop us an email on
As a bit of store away information, one lucky TrafficSynergy affiliate managed a sale on Loot for R7000. This is our largest single Loot sale to date. It shows the online world are spending on all ranges of sites, and they are no longer only trusting their budgets with the likes of This proves yet once again, the value of replacing your low commission Kalahari banners and rather pushing books, DVDs, etc to the much higher commission payouts from CNA, and Loot. Also, why not replace your 0% Kalahari commission on electronic goods to the 2.5% SACamera is offering our affiliates.
And another Wednesday draws to a close. And as we wait to hear President Bush's new plan for the war in Iraq in a near virtual real time enviroment, one marvels at the wander of technology and how small the world has become.