Monday, September 05, 2005

comment spam

I’m amazed. I posted 2 comments on the trafficsynergy blog in the last few hours, and already there is comment spam on the last 2 postings. If this trend continues, then I’ll have to suspend comments, and if visitors want to comment on the postings, then they’ll rather have to email me the comments, and I’ll post them on the traffic synergy blog.


For those who are not aware what comment or blog spam is, it’s simply the method of adding a comment to a blog with the only objective of getting your site mentioned and your url hyperlinked. This results in an incoming link to your site, and if done from the right site, it is good for getting extra traffic from the search engines, as the incoming links results in good search engine optimization practice, which results in your site being listed higher in the search engine rankings.


I’m honoured that people believe the trafficsynergy blog is good enough to comment spam on (I guess it does have a rather attractive page rank) but unfortunately comment spam does nothing to add value to the many visitors who read the traffic synergy blog on a daily basis.


Therefore, I’ll have to watch over the next few days, and see whether there is any further blog spam – if there is, then I’ll have to consider stopping comments from being posted on the traffic synergy blog (which is a pity as it was meant to be an interactive blog), but I’m thinking that perhaps it’s also a good idea to have a forum for people to discuss issues related to the traffic synergy affiliate network and internet marketing in general.



No comments:

Coffee getting COLD yet?

ASK!!! ASK!!! ASK!!!

...and if you don't have anything to ASK, then tell us! tell us what you think about everything and anything which has got to do with internet marketing and making cash on the net...

When is 4.0 going to get the first mention? We haven't even got onto 2.0 yet, and already the futurists are talking about 3.0, semantic indexing, and letting the search engines tell us what we should be asking.

and yet we can't even find the number of the new restaurant that opened down the road!!!

lets go back to 1.0 and GET IT RIGHT!!!